
February 15, 2017

Rapper Jim Jones Being Sued By Women Filmed Topless


Two Houston locals are suing Harlem rapper Jim Jones after his new "Summer Time" video debut.

Samantha Stotts and Sharie Johnson were topless having fun in the sun during the raunchy clip, which shows the rapper sipping Champagne and counting $100 bills.

The two women were on a sexy South Beach getaway when Jones and his posse began filming them as they romped topless in the sand and surf.

"I don't have a problem with rap-video girls," Johnson said. "But I never wanted to do this."

"They're beautiful women and they knew they were being filmed," said their lawyer Taso Pardalis, of Mavromihalis Pardalis & Nohavicka. "At a minimum, Jones should have asked permission before putting up a video on the Internet of someone half-naked."

The 23-year-old Texans said they learned a valuable lesson from their unwanted rap video debut. "It just makes it not fun for people to go to Miami," Johnson said. "If I ever go to Miami again, I'm never, ever going to be topless again."

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