
April 28, 2020

Are you a college or graduate student? You may be entitled to a tuition refund. | Legal Update

Are you a college or graduate student? You may be entitled to a tuition refund.

Covid-19 has impacted students across the country as their universities abruptly closed mid-semester and they were forced to relocate. However, many institutions have failed to offer students refunds or reimbursements for tuition, meal plans, and other expenses. 

Tuition costs and fees were assessed and paid with the expectation that students would receive an on-campus education. While many universities have offered online classes, students should not have to pay an on-campus price for a remote learning experience. 

If you are a college or graduate student whose on-campus education was cut short due to COVID-19, you may be entitled to a tuition refund.

Call attorney Israel Klein of Pardalis & Nohavicka for a free consultation. Mr. Klein has represented numerous individuals in class action litigations throughout the State of New York. Mr. Klein can be reached at 212-213-8511.

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