
April 16, 2020

WILLS & TRUSTS: Why You Must Be Prepared When The Unexpected Happens

The current worldwide pandemic has led many Americans to develop cabin fever and anxiously sputter into virtual action, frantically planning for their future and putting their finances in order. In the past, most people would not be so concerned about future assets and legal planning until it was necessary.

The present situation reminds us that life is truly unpredictable and circumstances can change instantly. April formally made America the country with the worst COVID-19 outbreak in the world, what will May or June bring?

Therefore, now is the time to tend to your vital legal matters and we are here to hold your hand and guide you through the process from the comfort of your own home.

PN Lawyers has revolutionized the process to make it 100% virtual and easily comprehensible.


  1. Updating Your Will: You may need to dig out your will and make updates to ensure your assets are properly managed in the future. Have you started a business in the past few years? Bought and sold property? Moved out of state? Welcomed new family members? These are all questions to consider when thinking about updating your will.
  2. Appointing Your Health-Care Proxy: Choosing a health care proxy gives that individual the authority to make medical decisions for you in the event that you are suddenly unconscious, mentally incompetent, or otherwise unable to make decisions on your own.
  3. Appointing A Power Of Attorney: Choosing a general power of attorney gives that individual authorization to represent or act on your behalf in business, private, or legal affairs.

Even in an era of social distancing, these matters can all be handled from home. Due to recent updates in New York State law, any agreements can be signed and notarized virtually — no need to leave the house.

How Does It Work?

We have a seamless system set up with virtual witnesses and virtual notaries on standby. We’ll send you an email and with a simple link, we can easily have your will or document prepared.

Contact us if you have any legal questions or concerns. We are here to help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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