
October 29, 2012

PRESS RELEASE: Pardalis & Nohavicka, LLP represents workers and files Collective/Class action on highly publicized labor suit

Pardalis & Nohavicka, LLP
Employment and Labor Law, Astoria NY

Last week the law offices of Pardalis & Nohavicka, LLP filed a collective/class action in the United States Federal Court for the Eastern District of New York under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) on behalf of 10 employees against their former employer Bilingual SEIT and Pre school Inc. and its owners.Surrounding the highly publicized Special Ed scandal as reported by t he NY Times and other major New York media outlets the business and its principals stopped paying their employees for work performed after billing the New York City’s Department of Education (DoE) $1.5 Million for the work of those employees.

New York State Comptroller Tom DiNapoli is auditing Bilingual SEIT for inappropriately charging the New York City’s Department of Education (DoE) nearly $1.5 million for salaries many of which Plaintiffs are claiming to be unpaid in their civil lawsuit.  “Special education services are critical for thousands of children and every tax dollar meant for them should be spent on them”, DiNapoli said in a statement.

The matter was referred to the Queens District Attorney’s office for further action.

NYTimes:  http://www.nytimes.com/2012/07/19/nyregion/audit-finds-bilingual-seit-and-preschool-billed-state-improperly.html?_r=0

NYDailyNews:  http://www.nydailynews.com/blogs/dailypolitics/2012/07/state-comptroller-tom-dinapoli-queens-special-ed-contractor-overcharged-nys-15

OSC:  http://www.osc.state.ny.us/press/releases/july12/071912.htm

QueensTribune:  http://www.queenstribune.com/deadline/Deadline_072612_State-FNot-for-profit-OverchargedDOE.html

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